Poll: Anamorphic Filming – What is Your Preferred Squeeze Factor?

Filming with anamorphic lenses is still a niche, but there’s no doubt this specific section of our industry is growing and becoming more popular. Companies like SIRUI, Laowa, Viltrox, and Blazar (just to name a few) deserve part of the credit for making this niche more popular than ever, thanks to introducing affordable anamorphic lenses in different sizes, weights, flares, and of course, squeeze factors. Filming with anamorphic lenses is one of those things that can elevate your footage from looking “normal” to feeling more “cinematic” (next to composition, lighting, and such). There are a few squeeze factors to choose from, and those are tightly related to the sensor ratio used. Nevertheless, more often than not we hear that a certain squeeze factor is “not enough” to mimic the look we are after. Today we are looking forward to hearing about your preferred option. If you are in the mood to drop us a short comment and let us know why you like a specific squeeze factor, even better! This poll uses Javascript. If you cannot see the poll above, please disable “Enhanced/Strict Tracking Protection” in your browser settings.Speaking of which, check our latest podcast episode where we talk to DoP Markus Förderer who recently shot two episodes of Constellation for Apple TV+. In our talk, we discuss the choice of anamorphic lenses next to other related topics.Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

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