These are five big life lessons to learn from photography

Photography is more about an art form, a hobby, or a career. Taking photos can teach you many life lessons, only if you allow it and know how to recognize and embrace those moments of profound knowledge. In her TEDx talk, photographer Felisa Tan shares the deeper meaning behind her art and explores the five ways photography has enriched her life and, by extension, how it can enrich ours.

1. Curiosity: the beginner’s mind

Felisa emphasizes the importance of curiosity, a core tenet in Zen Buddhism called “shoshin” or “the beginner’s mind.” This childlike wonder allows us to see the world with fresh eyes, fostering a sense of openness that is crucial for learning and understanding. Photography, by encouraging us to slow down and truly look, helps us rediscover the magic in the everyday.

2. Honesty: unveiling the truth

Great photographs are more than just pretty pictures; they are reflections of the photographer’s mind. Felisa believes in capturing the essence of a subject, including its beauty and darkness. By embracing honesty, both with ourselves and our subjects, we allow them to reveal their true nature, leading to a more profound connection.

3. Love: the heart of creation

Love is the driving force behind creation, according to Felisa. It compels us to find beauty in the world and share it with others. Through photographs that capture tenderness, respect, and a sense of wonder, Felisa encourages us to see the interconnectedness of all things and appreciate the sacredness of life.

4. Generosity: the gift of seeing

Felisa suggests reframing photography as “making” rather than “taking.” When we make a photograph, we offer our attention, intelligence, and presence, transforming a moment into a work of art. This shift in perspective fosters gratitude and allows us to receive the gift of an image rather than demand it.

5. Impermanence: embracing the fleeting

Photography serves as a powerful reminder of impermanence. By capturing fleeting moments, we are forced to confront the ever-changing nature of life. This awareness, however, doesn’t lead to despair. Instead, it encourages us to cherish beauty more fully and live each moment to the fullest.

Felisa concludes by reminding us that photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about cultivating a way of seeing the world. Through the lens of a camera, or simply with a more mindful eye, we can develop curiosity, honesty, love, generosity, and an appreciation for impermanence – all qualities that enrich our lives and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

What I’d like to add is that you also learn and gain from failed photo attempts. I shared my experience about the lessons I learned from failed shooting of the comet Neowise. Even if you don’t come back home with portfolio-worthy photos, it’s always worth enjoying the journey even if you never reach the destination, no matter how corny it may sound.

As Felisa suggests, the real gift of photography lies not in the pictures themselves but in the transformation it brings. It cultivates calmness, clarity, and wonder, refining our observations and making us more sensitive to our surroundings. With or without a camera, these skills enhance our ability to experience and understand the world in a more holistic way.

So, the next time you pick up a camera, remember, it’s not just about capturing a scene. It’s about opening yourself to a world of possibilities and enriching your life with many lessons photography has to offer.

[5 things photography helps you appreciate in life via FStoppers]

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