Fallout 4 Players Unable To Change Graphical Settings on Steam Deck After Next-Gen Update

Fallout 4 next-gen update has arrived but with bad news for Steam Deck owners. The new update has removed the settings menu from the game on Steam Deck, and fans are obviously not happy with it. Fallout 4, the RPG title from 2015, has now received its next-gen update, following the release of Prime Video’s video game adaptation.

While the update arrived on April 25 with numerous bug fixes and new content, Steam Deck owners soon discovered that Valve removed the Bethesda game launcher on the handheld console when players tried to get the game “Verified” by Valve. Without the launcher, it is not possible for players to change the in-game visual settings for Fallout 4. So, with the game booting up in its default settings, many players have experienced poor performances and crashes.

This ain’t it, Bethesda…byu/TiSoBr inSteamDeck

Steam Deck OLED has a 90Hz refresh rate compared to the original model’s 60Hz. The update has not taken that into account as Fallout 4 is still running on less FPS than it can on the OLED screen with a 90Hz refresh rate. There have been mods that fixed this issue for players, but the new update has rendered them ineffective at the moment.

Also Read: Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Riddled With Issues

How to fix Fallout 4 launcher on Steam Deck
A neat little workaround has been discovered to run the Fallout 4 launcher on Steam Deck again. Players simply need to add “SteamDeck=0 %command%” in Fallout 4’s launch options, which can be found in the game’s settings on Steam Deck.

While the Steam Deck OLED players have complaints over the underutilisation of their device, players on the original Steam Deck have reported (via Kotaku) that the run now runs much better after the next-gen update.

Ella Purnell on her expectations from Lucy in Fallout Season 2
In other news, Fallout show star Ella Purnell has shared in an interview with GQ that she wants her character to continue to be “funny” in Season 2. “I just want her to continue to be funny, because that’s really fun to do. I want her to continue to have really cool stunt sequences, because that’s really fun to do,” she said.

Purnell then add that she wants Lucy to “become her own person” and “form some opinions that feel truly and wholly hers” instead of being a “product of her upbringing, or a product of Vault-Tec.” She also wants to see Lucy become slightly rebellious as well.

Continue Reading: Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Breaks Crucial Mod, but Players Have Found Workarounds

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