Get it right in camera or fix it in post? Which one is correct?

Ah yes, the perpetual ‘get it right in camera or fix it in post‘ debate that drives photographers a bit crazy. These days, there are myriad ways of creating an impactful image, particularly with all the new AI processing tools we have. But which way is correct?

In this video, Scott from Tin House Studio explains his take on the whole argument. Of course, he is approaching it from the lens (pun intended) of a commercial photographer. This of course, will be a different point of view from say a photojournalist or fine art photographer. But none-the-less, his approach is worth listening to.

Scott explains that high-end commercial shoots often have a lot of money riding on them and generally involve big teams of people on set. This can lead to a lot of pressure to get everything right.


Scott says efficiency is key for product shoots. Each hour represents a significant investment on the client’s part.

Sure, getting the perfect shot straight out of the camera is ideal, but what if there’s uncertainty about background colour or minor blemishes on the product? In such cases, it might be more economical to shoot on a neutral background and address any issues during post-production.

Similarly, when shooting moving images at high frame rates, every second of footage counts. While it’s tempting to aim for flawlessness in-camera, some imperfections, like dust particles, are more efficiently dealt with in post-production than during the shoot itself. This, of course, is not the same for a video shoot. You are absolutely going to remove any dust spots in real life first.

Maximising versatility

However, it doesn’t just boil down to what is most cost and time-efficient. It’s also about maximizing creativity and versatility. In today’s commercial landscape, clients often demand flexibility. They may require images to be cropped, composited, or repurposed in ways that weren’t initially anticipated. This is where shooting with high-resolution cameras and keeping post-processing options open becomes invaluable.

It’s the end goal that matters

In the end, what matters most is not how you achieve the final image but the impact it leaves on viewers. Whether it’s a flawless product shot or a breathtaking landscape, the journey to get there is secondary to the emotional response it evokes.

So, the next time you find yourself torn between getting it right in camera and fixing it in post, remember this: there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Embrace the flexibility that modern photography offers, and let your creativity guide you, whether you’re shooting for profit or pleasure.

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