Top ten most popular posts on DIYP in 2023

2023 has been a challenging year for many of us in various aspects. But here on DIYP, it’s been a year brimming with captivating images and thought-provoking stories. Our readers, just like ourselves, were captivated by a diverse range of topics. So, let’s take a moment to revisit the most viewed articles of the year, reliving the thrills, discoveries, and important lessons that resonated with our community.

In the tenth place is an article about a scam targeting photographers. A photographer named Richard told us about a close call he had selling used gear on Facebook Marketplace. He almost fell victim to a scam where the buyer used a fake banking app to appear as they’d paid, taking the lens before the money landed in Richard’s account. Thankfully, Richard’s experience with a friend scammed the same way, his partner’s presence and his firm refusal to hand over the lens deterred the thief.

I believe it’s good that this article was among the most viewed. This means that many of you became aware of the scam and didn’t fall for it if someone targeted you.

We’ve seen a bajillion photos of the Earth, Mars, and even more distant planets like Jupiter and Uranus. But we only have six photos of Venus. Soviet Venera probes launched in the 1970s and 80s were the only ones to successfully land and return – and bring back the images.

These rare panoramas showcase desolate, yellow landscapes hinting at a past similar to Earth before a drastic climate shift. And in our little popularity contest, they won the ninth place.

Speaking of space photos, those showing our own planet have won the eight place in our wrap-up. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) released photos of our planet in warm tones of red, yellow, and brown. They gave us a whole new impression our home planet, and I personally find them exquisite.

In May 2023, Google announced that it would start deleting photos in older and inactive accounts. It caused a bit of panic, and most of us rushed to save our old albums before they were gone forever. We published an article to help you save your work, and it looks like it was helpful, judging from the number of views. Did you manage to save your images?

In the sixth place is an article that reminds us just how fast and furious bears can be. It tells us about a photographer’s close call with a grizzly bear released into the wild. The bear, relocated after raiding chicken coops, surprised everyone by charging and knocking over the camera. While no humans were harmed, the incident highlights the unpredictability of nature and the need for a safe distance from bears… No matter how cute they look.

Is it a wombat? Is it a badger? Or is it a creature from outer space? Okay, it probably isn’t from outer space, but this unidentifiable creature caught on a trail cam caused a lot of buzz. Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park’s officials turned to the community to help them identify the animal, and it turned out to probably be an American Badger.

I can’t remember the last time a movie caused so many reactions like Barbie did in 2023. So, I guess it’s no wonder that an article about Barbie’s changes throughout the years ended up being one of the most viewed articles on DIYP this year. Have you seen the movie?

California authorities, scarred by the mayhem of the 2019 super bloom, took a draconian approach to 2023. They threatened arrest and vehicle towing for even glancing at poppy fields. All of this was to protect residents, wildlife, and poppies themselves from irresponsible Instagram enthusiasts and wannabe influencers. The drastic measure caused many reactions, raising questions about balancing fun with protecting nature and public safety.

The silver goes to the article about The Falling Man, one of the most powerful images of the 21st century so far. Interestingly enough, it was in the 10th place of our most discussed articles, and it’s the second in terms of views in 2023.

In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, photographer Ateeb Hussain captured a breathtaking moment. In a heart-stopping chase, a jackal mom was repeatedly outsmarting a predatory eagle trying to snatch her pup.

Ateeb’s stunning photo freezes the drama, showcasing the eagle’s relentless pursuit, the pup’s fear, and the mother’s fierce, life-saving determination. Thankfully, the pup survived, but the fantastic image of the chase stayed behind. For me, this is one of the most powerful wildlife images of 2023, if not the most powerful one. Apparently, DIYP readers thought the same, considering that this was the most-viewed article of 2023.

We’re looking forward to new stories, new photos, new collaborations, and new discussions in 2024. And we hope you stay with us in the New Year as well. Happy holidays, everyone!

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